Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Our World-Underwater 2008

This year's event in Chicago was very good for the Diving Almanac and Yearbook. We made new friends and we ran out of books yet again. Our booth was located near the entrance right by our good friend Carlos Hiller and his giant painting of a whale shark. According to the organisers, the show was a record event with over 15,000 visitors.

As usual, most visitors had never heard of the Diving Almanac & Yearbook. Great reviews in magazines aren't enough. We need the help of all of our readers to promote the Diving Almanac and Yearbook. If you have a copy and you like it, please show it to your dive buddies and friends. Bring it to your local dive shop too and tell them that every diver should have this book!

The weekend took an unexpected twist when many flights to the Northeast were canceled due to bad weather. That led to an impromptu night on the town with a group of fellow exhibitors including our good friends Rick and Kathy Stratton from NorthWest Dive News.

We really enjoyed the show and our weekend in Chicago and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again next year: http://www.ourworldunderwater.com/

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